Saturday 2 May 2009

Senior Pupils - Leaders of Learning in Orkney

Welcome to this reflective blog.


A small but committed group of senior pupils from Kirkwall Grammar School and Stromness Academy had undertaken a series of leadership training opportunities facilitated by the Orkney Schools of Ambition project. These experiences had motivated them to develop and roll out their own leadership workshops across the 6 secondary schools in Orkney. The target audience was S1 to S3 pupils.

The intention of this blog is to give the pupils the opportunity to reflect and document how these experiences have impacted upon their capacity to be:-

1. Successful Learners
2. Effective Contributors
3. Responsible Citizens
4. Confident Individuals

All of the pupils involved have been invited to become an 'editor' of this blog. This gives each pupil the opportunity to add reflective comments to the blog.

Each pupil is asked to write 4 short reflective statements upon how their 'leadership' experiences have impacted upon personal development in terms of the 4 capacities listed above.

e.g. Do you feel as a result of your experiences you have:-

1. developed new knowledge and understanding?

2. effectively contributed to the process of developing and delivering the Leadership programme?

3. supported my fellow team members and took it upon myself to make myself available in order to achieve our goals?

4. experienced personal growth in confidence in interacting with my peers, teachers and adults out with my school and close community?

Hannah's reflections

Alan's reflections

Nabil's reflections

Joni's reflections

Raema's reflections

George's reflections

Peter's reflections

Rachel's reflections


Donald's reflections

Charlotte's reflections

Callum's reflections

Katherine's reflections

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